Recommended download over at the PowerShell Gallery with more information in the official release notes.
Certified English Teacher, IT Consultant, Trainer, Coach, Cloud Automation, Web & Mobile Developer
Recommended download over at the PowerShell Gallery with more information in the official release notes.
” Microsoft 365 is the ultimate everyday productivity app that helps you create, edit, and share on the go. With Word, Excel, and PowerPoint all in one app, Microsoft 365 is the destination for creating and editing documents on the fly when you need them most. “
You can now run MS Teams “personal tab apps” right in the Microsoft 365 (Office) APP for Android Mobile[1]. An organisation can dictate access through a combination of app configuration policy (MS InTunes) and custom permission policies[2] over at the MS Teams Admin Centre.
– Microsoft Teams apps are now generally available on Microsoft 365 Android app
There are many more user attributes emitted in the call to Get-CsOnlineUser in Microsoft Teams compared to that of Skype for Business Server (Get-CsUser).
Rather than having to always visually inspect each and every entry, consider using the following to filter to those with value of interest only i.e. skip those with no values (null or empty):
########## MSTeams: Get-CsOnlineUser - ' Clean ' Output (PowerShell) #Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved #2023-02-06 Version: 1.0 #Connect-MicrosoftTeams; $samAccountName="desmond"; $umst=Get-CsOnlineUser $samAccountName; $umstNoteProperty=($umst|Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name; $attributes=@(); $umstNoteProperty|%{ if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($umst.$PsItem)){ #"$($_): $($umst.$_)"; $attributes+=[pscustomobject]@{name=$_;value=$umst.$_;} } } #attributes|Format-Table -Autosize;
########## MSTeams: Policy Packages - Manage with PowerShell #Dump details (assigned policies) of MS Teams policy packages #Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved #2023-02-03 Version: 1.0 Connect-MicrosoftTeams $ppc=$pp=Get-CsPolicyPackage #optionally apply filter to customised policy packages only #Note: limited to MS Teams Premium licensees $ppc=$pp|Where-Object PackageType -eq 'Custom'; $ppc|%{ Write-Verbose "$($PsItem.Name)`n$($PsItem.Description)"-Verbose; $_i=$PsItem; $_i.policies.keys|%{ Write-Host "$($PsItem)//$($_i.policies[$PsItem].values)"; $_i.policies[$PsItem].values|%{$_}; } }
The better way to meet — Microsoft Teams Premium
– Microsoft Teams Premium: Cut costs and add AI-powered productivity
– Microsoft Teams Premium is getting a GPT boost via OpenAI
– Microsoft injects AI into Teams so no one will ever forget what the meeting decided
For those who still have not embarked on a plan to migrate to Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK in order to automate and manage their Microsoft 365 tenant:
” Microsoft Graph PowerShell is the replacement for the Azure AD PowerShell and MSOnline modules and is recommended for interacting with Azure AD.
Azure AD, Azure AD Preview and MSOnline PowerShell modules are planned for deprecation. Microsoft Graph PowerShell is the PowerShell module to use for interacting with Azure AD and other Microsoft services.
… ” [1]
– Microsoft Graph PowerShell v2 is now in public preview, half the size and speeds up automation
[1] Upgrade from Azure AD PowerShell to Microsoft Graph PowerShell
農曆新兔年 大年初一 (2023-01-22)
########## PowerShell: What is My Chinese Zodiac Sign #Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved 農曆新兔年 Lunar Chinese New Year of Rabbit #2023-01-22 Version: 1.0 param( $MyBirthYear=(Get-Date).Year,[switch]$IncludeOutput ) $author =""; $scriptName="What_is_my_Chinese_Zodiac_Sign.ps1"; $date="2023-01-22"; $version="1.0"; function GetChineseZodiac() { param([int]$ref=1924,[int]$gap=12,$BirthYear) [hashtable]$ChineseZodiac=[ordered]@{}; # $ChineseZodiac[1924]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="鼠";SignJyutPing="syu2" ;Sign="Rat" } #, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 $ChineseZodiac[1925]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="牛";SignJyutPing="ngau4" ;Sign="Ox" } #, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 $ChineseZodiac[1926]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="虎";SignJyutPing="fu2" ;Sign="Tiger" } #, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 $ChineseZodiac[1927]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="兎";SignJyutPing="tou3" ;Sign="Rabbit" } #, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 $ChineseZodiac[1928]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="龍";SignJyutPing="lung4" ;Sign="Dragon" } #, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 $ChineseZodiac[1929]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="蛇";SignJyutPing="se4" ;Sign="Snake" } #, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 $ChineseZodiac[1930]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="馬";SignJyutPing="maa5" ;Sign="Horse" } #, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026 $ChineseZodiac[1931]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="羊";SignJyutPing="joeng4";Sign="Goat" } #, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 $ChineseZodiac[1932]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="猴";SignJyutPing="hau4" ;Sign="Monkey" } #, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 $ChineseZodiac[1933]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="雞";SignJyutPing="gai1" ;Sign="Rooster"} #, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 $ChineseZodiac[1934]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="狗";SignJyutPing="gau2" ;Sign="Dog" } #, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030 $ChineseZodiac[1935]=[PSCustomObject]@{Year=-1;SignZmt="豬";SignJyutPing="zyu1" ;Sign="Pig" } #, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031 #calculate Chinese Zodiac year $result =$ref..($ref+11) | ? { $($BirthYear-$PSItem)%$gap -eq 0 } $result1=$ChineseZodiac[$result]; $result1.Year=$BirthYear; Write-Output $result1; } Write-Verbose "Script : $scriptName" -Verbose; Write-Verbose "Author : $author" -Verbose; Write-Verbose "Version: $date v$version" -Verbose; $result=GetChineseZodiac -BirthYear $MyBirthYear; Write-Verbose $($result|Out-String) -Verbose; if($IncludeOutput){Write-Output $result;} Write-Verbose "SignZmt=Traditional Chinese" -Verbose; Write-Verbose "SignJyutPing=粵拼 (jyut6 ping3) Cantonese romanization system (" -Verbose; Write-Verbose "" -Verbose;
#powershell #農曆新年 #兔年 #粵語
* gung1 hei2 faat3 coi4
(#粵拼 #JyutPing #Cantonese romanization systems)
Available on GibHub in PDF and Microsoft Visio formats:
########## PowerShell: Unattended key press #simulate not away presence status available "mouse jiggle" or wiggle #Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved #2023-01-15 Version: 1.0 param($IntervalInSeconds=15, [string[]]$Keys=@('+{F15}','+{F14}','+{F13}'),[switch]$NoNewline) function SimulateKeyPress() { param($IntervalInSeconds,[string[]]$Keys,[switch]$NoNewline) if($IntervalInSeconds -is [string] -or $IntervalInSeconds -le 0){ #-or $IntervalInSeconds -isnot [int] Write-Host "Usage: script.ps1 -IntervalInSeconds N #where N > 0"; return;} $dateStart=Get-Date; $elapsed="00:00:00"; Write-Host "Start: $dateStart"; $wsh=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell; $KeysLen=$Keys.Length-1; while($IntervalInSeconds -gt 0){ $index=Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $KeysLen; $wsh.SendKeys($Keys[$index]); #$logonUI=$false; try{Get-Process LogonUI -EA:Stop|Out-Null;$logonUI=$true;}catch{$logonUI=$false;} Write-Host ` "($((Get-Date).ToString()) elapsed: $elapsed key: $($Keys[$index]) " ` "IntervalInSeconds: $IntervalInSeconds LogonUI: $logonUI) " ` -NoNewline:$NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds $IntervalInSeconds; $dateNow=Get-Date; $elapsed=$dateNow-$dateStart; $elapsed="{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}" -f $elapsed.Hours,$elapsed.Minutes,$elapsed.Seconds; } } #SimulateKeyPress() SimulateKeyPress -IntervalInSeconds $IntervalInSeconds -Keys $Keys -NoNewline:$NoNewline;
Microsoft 365 Basic is a new basic subscription tier scheduled to launch on 30th Jan 2023 and comes with features like:
Microsoft 365 Basic gives you 100GB of OneDrive space (but no Office) for $2
* Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook