Many new functions were introduced or “reborn” as functions (where life started as cmdlets or vice versa) in PowerShell 5.0. Find-Command and Find-RoleCapability are the only 2 additions in PS 5.1 which brings the total function count to 59 for a default installation of Windows Server 2016 RTM (en-us).
PS 5.0 |
PS 5.1 |
Compress-Archive |
Compress-Archive |
ConvertFrom-SddlString |
ConvertFrom-SddlString |
Disable-DscDebug |
Disable-DscDebug |
Disable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Disable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Disable-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Disable-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Disable-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Disable-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Enable-DscDebug |
Enable-DscDebug |
Enable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Enable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Enable-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Enable-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Enable-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Enable-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Expand-Archive |
Expand-Archive |
Export-ODataEndpointProxy |
Export-ODataEndpointProxy |
Find-Command |
Find-DscResource |
Find-DscResource |
Find-Module |
Find-Module |
Find-RoleCapability |
Find-Script |
Find-Script |
Format-Hex |
Format-Hex |
Get-DscConfigurationStatus |
Get-DscConfigurationStatus |
Get-InstalledModule |
Get-InstalledModule |
Get-InstalledScript |
Get-InstalledScript |
Get-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Get-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort |
Get-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Get-NetworkSwitchFeature |
Get-NetworkSwitchGlobalData |
Get-NetworkSwitchGlobalData |
Get-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Get-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Get-PSRepository |
Get-PSRepository |
Get-SilComputerIdentity |
Get-SilComputerIdentity |
Import-PowerShellDataFile |
Import-PowerShellDataFile |
Install-Module |
Install-Module |
Install-Script |
Install-Script |
New-Guid |
New-Guid |
New-NetworkSwitchVlan |
New-NetworkSwitchVlan |
New-ScriptFileInfo |
New-ScriptFileInfo |
New-TemporaryFile |
New-TemporaryFile |
Publish-Module |
Publish-Module |
Publish-Script |
Publish-Script |
Register-PSRepository |
Register-PSRepository |
Remove-DscConfigurationDocument |
Remove-DscConfigurationDocument |
Remove-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress |
Remove-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress |
Remove-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Remove-NetworkSwitchVlan |
Restore-NetworkSwitchConfiguration |
Restore-NetworkSwitchConfiguration |
Save-Module |
Save-Module |
Save-NetworkSwitchConfiguration |
Save-NetworkSwitchConfiguration |
Save-Script |
Save-Script |
Set-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress |
Set-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress |
Set-NetworkSwitchPortMode |
Set-NetworkSwitchPortMode |
Set-NetworkSwitchPortProperty |
Set-NetworkSwitchPortProperty |
Set-NetworkSwitchVlanProperty |
Set-NetworkSwitchVlanProperty |
Set-PSRepository |
Set-PSRepository |
Stop-DscConfiguration |
Stop-DscConfiguration |
Test-ScriptFileInfo |
Test-ScriptFileInfo |
Uninstall-Module |
Uninstall-Module |
Uninstall-Script |
Uninstall-Script |
Unregister-PSRepository |
Unregister-PSRepository |
Update-DscConfiguration |
Update-DscConfiguration |
Update-Module |
Update-Module |
Update-ModuleManifest |
Update-ModuleManifest |
Update-Script |
Update-Script |
Update-ScriptFileInfo |
Update-ScriptFileInfo |