Even with the right administrative account and permissions, and proper network as well as firewall (port) settings provisioned, a number of common error messages when working with *-CsDatabase cmdlets in Skype for Business Server prove to be rather challenging to decipher and resolve:
PS C:\> Install-CsDatabase -SqlServerFqdn sql01.leedesmond.com -SqlInstanceName sql01inst01 -Update -ConfiguredDatabases
Install-CsDatabase : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-CsDatabase -SqlServerFqdn sql01.leedesmond.com -SqlInstanceName sql01inst01 -Update -ConfiguredDatabases
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Install-CsDatabase], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.InstallDatabaseCmdlet
Install-CsDatabase : Command execution failed: Cannot determine where to install database files because Windows Management Instrumentation on the database server is unavailable from your computer or user account. To continue, you can resolve this issue, or you can specify where you want to install the files.
+ Install-CsDatabase -SqlServerFqdn sql01.leedesmond.com -SqlInstanceNam …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Install-CsDatabase], DeploymentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProcessingFailed,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.InstallDatabaseCmdlet
PS C:\> Test-CsDatabase -SqlServerFqdn sql01.leedesmond.com
Test-CsDatabase : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
At line:1 char:1
+ Test-CsDatabase -SqlServerFqdn sql01.leedesmond.com
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Test-CsDatabase], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.TestDatabaseCmdlet
For the Test-CsDatabase cmdlet, the fix is straightforward; simply specify the parameter -ConfiguredDatabases in order to run it successfully.
On the other hand for Install-CsDatabase, the explicit use of -DatabasePaths listing the log and database file paths (in that order) is required if the installation database paths are not at the default locations.
If you are certain, under Microsoft support agent’s instructions or per Install-CsDatabase …
The DatabaseType parameter…, and is only required if the Install-CsDatabase cmdlet command fails to run using the ConfiguredDatabases parameter
deploying the -DatabaseType and -DatabasePaths parameters may be the “workaround” for the cryptic error messages encountered.