#powershell v6.0 RTM GA Generally Available and Supported

PowerShell Core 6.0.0

  • a new edition of PowerShell #PsCore6
  • built on top of .NET Core “CoreCLR”
  • cross-platform support from Windows, macOS to Linux (direct download)
  • community driven (GitHub) and open-source
  • built for heterogeneous environments and the hybrid cloud
  • works side-by-side with Windows PowerShell[1] (3.0 and later)
  • $PSVersionTable.PSEdition is set to Core
  • process runs as pwsh(.exe) c.f. Windows Powershell = powershell(.exe)
  • default installation path %programfiles%\PowerShell\
  • starts as Administrator in %programfiles%\PowerShell\6.0.0
  • new user profile path $profile = %userprofile%\Documents\PowerShell
  • different $env:PSModulePath
  • not available features – workflow, WMI[2],  Windows Presentation Foundation/Windows Forms, PowerShell ISE[3]
  • Update-Help -force -UICulture “en-us” (help system independent of Windows Powershell)
  • Windows PowerShell 5.10
    = “maintenance” mode
    =  last Windows client/server version i.e.  no new version planned

[1] built on top of .NET Framework 4.x “FullCLR”
[2] use the equivalent *-CIM* cmdlets
[3] use Visual Studio Code + PowerShell plugin


  1. PowerShell Core 6.0: Generally Available (GA) and Supported!
  2. PowerShell 6.0 Roadmap: CoreCLR, Backwards Compatibility, and More!
  3. Angel Calvo (Twitter): Announcing the GA & Enterprise supported version of #PowerShell Core 6!
  4. Announcing PowerShell for Visual Studio Code 1.0!
  5. What’s New in PowerShell Core 6.0
  6. PowerShell Core Support Lifecycle
  7. PowerShell documentation (en-us)

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