#powershell #skype4b Trunk Configuration

With New-CsTrunkConfiguration, a trunk can be created at the Global (default), site or pool (service) scope for a PSTN service from a PSTN gateway, IP-Public Branch Exchange (PBX) to a Session Border Controller (SBC) at the service provider.

Correspondingly, it is a simpe matter to run Get-CsTrunkConfiguration to get back a list of available trunk configuration information. However, executing this cmdlet with just the name of the trunk will fail:

PS > Get-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity trunkName
Get-CsTrunkConfiguration: Cannot get item at this location. Get item at scopes: “Global, Site, Service”
Parameter name: Identity
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity trunkName
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (Tag: trunkName:XdsIdentity)
[Get-CsTrunkConfiguration, ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :BadLocation, Microsoft. Rtc.Management.Internal.GetCsTrunkConfigurationCmdlet

The solution is to always prefix the name with the trunk’s scope i. e.

Get-CsTrunkConfiguration site:trunkName

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