There are many more user attributes emitted in the call to Get-CsOnlineUser in Microsoft Teams compared to that of Skype for Business Server (Get-CsUser).
Rather than having to always visually inspect each and every entry, consider using the following to filter to those with value of interest only i.e. skip those with no values (null or empty):
########## MSTeams: Get-CsOnlineUser - ' Clean ' Output (PowerShell) #Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved #2023-02-06 Version: 1.0 #Connect-MicrosoftTeams; $samAccountName="desmond"; $umst=Get-CsOnlineUser $samAccountName; $umstNoteProperty=($umst|Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name; $attributes=@(); $umstNoteProperty|%{ if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($umst.$PsItem)){ #"$($_): $($umst.$_)"; $attributes+=[pscustomobject]@{name=$_;value=$umst.$_;} } } #attributes|Format-Table -Autosize;