How to configure SNMP settings on Windows machines through PowerShell is the topic we have been looking at in this blog series so far. Obviously in the real world, it is important to be able to read SNMP settings either before or after changes were made. To that end, take a look at …
Continue reading “#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 6)”
#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 5)
Putting into practice what we have discussed so far, this script illustrates how an administrator can use PowerShell remoting to configure/set SNMP settings on a bunch of Windows machines from a distance.
#requires -version 3.0
# Copyright (c) 201x-2018
# All Rights Reserved. Use at your own risk and responsibility.
# Version 1.00
# Configure SNMP settings on multiple Windows machines remotely.
# REQUIREMENTS: PowerShell Remoting enabled on target hosts
# Continue reading “#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 5)”
#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 4)
This script gathers the pieces discussed previously into a reusable PowerShell function Set-SNMP for the purpose of configuring SNMP settings on Windows machines.
#requires -version 3.0
# Copyright (c) 201x-2018
# All Rights Reserved. Use at your own risk and responsibility.
# Version 1.00
# Function with self explanatory parameters to configure SNMP settings on
# Windows machines.
# Continue reading “#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 4)”
#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 3)
Working with the “Security” tab in the SNMP service is similar to that for the “Traps” tab discussed before. Let us start off with the simple task to toggle the “Send authentication trap” option. This matches the registry item property EnableAuthenticationTraps located in:
Continue reading “#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 3)”
#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 2)
Multiple “Community name” and the matching “Trap destinations” can be defined using the Traps tab in the SNMP service. Each community name exists in its own key (node) under:
within which one or more trap destinations are stored as properties (REG_SZ) in this registry location.
Continue reading “#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 2)”
#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 1)
This blog series explores the administration of SNMP configuration settings in Windows through PowerShell, a network monitoring protocol where it continues to be widely adopted.
Of interest are the Agent, Traps and Security tabs of the SNMP service when the properties are inspected using the services.mmc snap-in. These configurable items are stored in the Windows registry.
Continue reading “#powershell SNMP Services Administration (Part 1)”
#powershell Local Certificate Store Inventory (Windows)
#requires -version 3.0
# Copyright (c) 201x-2018
# All Rights Reserved. Use at your own risk and responsibility.
# Version 1.00
# Get a list of certificates installed in the local certificate store remotely
# across 1 or more machines (Certificates \ Personal \ Certificates)
# REQUIREMENTS: PowerShell Remoting enabled on target hosts
Continue reading “#powershell Local Certificate Store Inventory (Windows)”
#powershell Always Up-to-date Hardware Inventory (Windows)
#requires -version 3.0
# Copyright (c) 201x-2018
# All Rights Reserved. Use at your own risk and responsibility.
# Version 1.00
# Any Windows Server – Always Up-to-date Hardware Inventory (Core)
# REQUIREMENTS: PowerShell Remoting enabled on target hosts & firewall
# ports (WMI calls)
Continue reading “#powershell Always Up-to-date Hardware Inventory (Windows)”
#powershell Get List of Two-letter Country ISO 3166 Code (alpha-2), Currency, Language and more
#requires -version 3.0
# Copyright (c) 201x-2018
# All Rights Reserved. Use at your own risk and responsibility.
# Version 1.00
$AllCultures = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::
SpecificCultures) # !AllCultures
Continue reading “#powershell Get List of Two-letter Country ISO 3166 Code (alpha-2), Currency, Language and more”
#WindowsServer2016 Build 1709 (Server Core) Enable Remote Management
Except for a few control panel applets (and dialog boxes), Windows Server 2016 Build 1709 runs exclusively in Server Core text mode. This means that familiar graphical user tools are not available whether you sign-in right in front of the machine or connect from a distance over Remote Desktop.
Basic configuration such as domain/workgroup membership, computer name and network settings, etc. can be realized using the provided VB Script in the form of %windir%\system32\sconfig.cmd. Nevertheless, you can continue to use common GUI MMC legacy tools such as Event Viewer or services.msc to remotely connect to a Windows Server 2016 Build 1709 box.
Since Windows Server 2012 R2, PowerShell remoting is activated out-of-the-box, a feature which is dependent on Windows Remote Management (WinRM). This is what Server Manager relies on primarily to remotely manage Windows Server 2012 and higher versions. Server Manager remote administration of previous Windows Server versions continue to work over Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)*.
Consequently, setting “4) Configure Remote Management” to “1) Enable Remote Management” via sconfig.cmd is only part of the story (WinRM portion). Continue reading “#WindowsServer2016 Build 1709 (Server Core) Enable Remote Management”