Speaker @ Microsoft Evolution Day 2015 (Do/Thu Oct 29 – Zurich)

Mit 41 Break-out Sessions in 8 unterschiedlichen haupt Themen von Office 365/Azure, System Center, Windows 10, Server Infrastructure/Automation, SQL, Virtualisierung bis zum Entwirklung, bietet der dieses Jahres stattfindenden Microsoft Evolution Day 2015 sicher etwas für Sie vor Ort (on-premises) bis in die Cloud an.

Ich freue mich als Speaker* das folgende Thema vermitteln zu dürfen:

Skype für Business: Migration, Upgrade, Koexistenz und Interoperabilität («ME1533»)

Der Nachfolger von Lync Server 2013 steht vor der Tür. Ein erfolgreicher Einstieg in die jüngste Version kann umfangreiche Planung, Zeit und Aufwände fordern. Was noch als «supported» zählt oder in der Praxis tatsächlich weiterhin funktioniert, bleibt unklar. Nicht mit dieser Session! Von der Vorbereitung der Kern-Server und Backend-Infrastruktur über die unterschiedlichen Lync-Client-Versionen bis hin zu Extern- und Telefonie-Integration helfen wir Ihnen, den Wald auch bei den vielen Bäumen nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Nutzen Sie diese tolle Gelegenheit, praxisnahe Anleitungen und Erfahrungsberichte unserer Referenten, die für Sie sowohl in der strategischen Planung als auch in der praktischen Anwendung von grossem Nutzen sein werden, davon zu profitieren und mit Fachleuten zu vernetzen.

Mehr Information über den Event und Anmeldung finden Sie hier.


Microsoft Schweiz DigicompSwiss IT Pro User Group

#Event #Lync #Skype4B #Skype #ITPros #Office #Office365 #Exchange #SharePoint

Follow me for all the buzz -> @_leedesmond (Twitter)!

Desmond Lee ist Spezialist für End-to-end Unternehmsinfrastruktur und Cloud-Lösungen in diversen Branchen. Desmond ist Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP Skype for Business/Lync Server) und bekannt für seinen leidenschaftlichen Einsatz für die IT Community. Als langjähriger Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) hat er die Swiss IT Pro User Group für Microsoft Professionals gegründet. Desmond ist oft an internationalen und regionalen Events als Speaker anzutreffen und von dort bekannt für seinen hohen Praxisbezug in seinen Vorträgen. Er schreibt regelmässig für Fachpublikationen und betätigt sich auch als Moderator in Microsoft-Foren und Newsgroups. Mehr zu Desmond: www.leedesmond.com.

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TIP 1520A: Skype for Business Centralized Logging – User Not Authorized

You start with elevated administrative privileges the latest version of Skype for Business Server 2015, Logging Tool (v6.0.9319.73 released 29 July 2015) and are login as a Sfbs Administrator with CSAdministrator membership on a Skype Front-End Server.

When you attempt to “Start Logging” after having selected the desired “Scenarios” and machines under “Topology”, the following error shows up:

Error: User domain\skypeadmin is not authorized to view or change logging OR this pool and computers are not valid. Pools or Computers – s01.domain.name,s01.domain.name.

In an environment supporting multiple server versions of Lync/Skype, verify that the machines picked under “Topology” are running Lync Server 2013 and higher as the Centralized Logging feature was only first introduced in Lync Server 2013.

#Skype4B #Lync #ITPros #UC #Office365

Follow me for all the buzz -> @_leedesmond (Twitter)!

TIP 1519: Skype for Business 2015 Debugging Tools and VC++ 2013 Runtime

Attempts to install Skype for Business 2015 Debugging Tools* on an administrative workstation or server running a supported Windows OS may fail with the error:

Skype for Business 2015, Debugging Tools installation or uninstallation requires that Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Minimum Runtime – 12.0.21005 Package is already installed. Either use Setup.exe for installation or run vcredist_x64.exe included with the product to install the redistributable.
[ OK ]

You can either ensure that …

… the target machine has completed running setup.exe from the Skype for Business Server 2015 media, which includes the prerequisite VC++ 2013 runtime that you must install anyway, or install from a downloadable copy of the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013#.

Note that unlike in Lync Server 2013, a “Lync-specific” version of the latter does not appear to be a requirement.

* SkypeForBusinessDebugTools.msi
v9319.73 released 29 July 2015 – includes Snooper, CLSLogger, CLSScenarioEdit.psm1

# KB2883200 is needed for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1

TIP 1518: Change Skype for Business / Lync 2013 Display (UI) Language

Working in a global organization means there is a need to support diverse cultures and different languages. Desktop images with the desired Windows Operating System, core productivity applications and line-of-business programs can be built using a “base” language, typically English. On top of it, Multi-Language User Interface pack (MUI) extends the product to enable support for languages other than English, such as for Office 201x users.

As Lync 2013 / Skype for Business 2015 (Sfbc) is part of Office 2013 Professional and …

Continue reading “TIP 1518: Change Skype for Business / Lync 2013 Display (UI) Language”

Zurich Kurs/Course: Definitiv Start in 2 Wochen (Do. 13.08.15): PowerShell v5 Basics

Windows PowerShellKurs: PowerShell v5 Einführung (IS35.15.41)
Wo: EB Zuerich
Start: Do. 13. August 2015 x 8
Zeit: 1800 – 2100 Uhr

Basiert auf die neueste Version 5.0 von PowerShell, die in Windows 10 RTM und die nächste Windows Server 2016 Ausgabe verfügt.

Mehr Information und Anmeldung hier.

#PowerShell #ITPros #Events #Training @ebzuerich

Follow me for all the buzz -> @_leedesmond (Twitter)!

TIP 1517: Skype Business Edge – Schannel EventID 36888

Found an interesting article giving a nice look into why the error “Schannel EventID 36888” consistently appears in the Windows SYSTEM log:

A fatal error was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol defined fatal error code is 10. The Windows Schannel error state is 1203.

This is found to affect Skype for business / Lync Server holding Edge server roles and can impact other Windows Server with detailed SChannel logging enabled.

How to enable Schannel event logging in IIS (link)

#Skype4B #Lync #ITPros

Follow me for all the buzz -> @_leedesmond (Twitter)!

TIP 1516 (PowerShell DSC): Access Denied in Workgroup Environment

The Desired State Configuration, DSC (as well as CIM cmdlets) feature introduced in PowerShell 4.0, relies on properly configured and functional WinRM listeners. By virtue of creating a WinRM listener, PS remoting* is enabled automatically (this is the case since Windows Server 2012 out-of-the-box). DSC does not depend on the latter nor need to run off from machines joined to an Active Directory environment to operate.

In a Workgroup environment, you may encounter challenges pushing out the resulting MOF to the desired nodes via Start-DSCConfiguration despite running with elevated administrative privileges:

VERBOSE: Perform operation ‘Invoke CimMethod’ with following parameters, ”methodName’ = SendConfigurationApply, ‘className’ = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,’namespaceName’ =
The WinRM client cannot process the request. If the authentication scheme is different from Kerberos, or if the client computer is not joined to a domain, then HTTPS transport must be used or the destination machine must be added to the TrustedHosts configuration setting. Use winrm.cmd to configure TrustedHosts. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. You can get more information about that by running the following command: winrm help config.
+ CategoryInfo : NotEnabled: (root/Microsoft/…gurationManager:String) [], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x803380e4
+ PSComputerName : SERVER01

You verified that … Continue reading “TIP 1516 (PowerShell DSC): Access Denied in Workgroup Environment”

Speaker PowerShell Conference 2015 Asia – Singapore 18-19 Sep

The PowerShell Asia Conferene 2015 (Singapore)

The PowerShell Conference 2015, Asia (Singapore 18-19 Sep, 2015)

Super excited to announce that I shall be a Speaker at the first ever PowerShell Conference 2015 Asia. Taking place in Singapore 18-19 Sep 2015 over the F1, Formula One night racing weekend, the abstract of my demo-driven break-out session is summarized below:

PowerShell Management Tips & Tricks in Lync/Skype Business Server

PowerShell is part and parcel of Lync Administration since Server 2010. Learn how to effectively put the many great cmdlets together to build useful scripts to monitor and manage your global environment in this demo driven session.

Make sure you take this opportunity to join Jeffrey Snover, industry experts, partners and MVPs share all you want to know about PowerShell in this exciting event. More information and registration here.

PS: do not miss out this wonderful opportunity to stay over to travel around and explore Singapore and the amazing South-East Asian countries.

#psconfasia15 #Skype4B #Lync #ITPro #PowerShell #Singapore

Follow me for all the buzz -> @_leedesmond (Twitter)!

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Book: Lync Server 2013 Cookbook

Lync Server Cookbook 2013Not one, not two or three but 4 great authors* put their heads together to bring you a new book “Lync Server Cookbook” (Jan 2015) covering Lync Server 2013 on-premises to Office 365/Lync Online in the cloud.

As a member of the technical reviewer team for this book, this one great reference is highly recommended as it has more than 90 recipes, bringing together practical tips/tricks with ready to run PowerShell scripts to help you configure, integrate, and manage your Lync Server deployment.

Get a copy for your bookself here today!

Follow me / chat me up for all the buzz -> @_leedesmond (Twitter)!

* Fabrizio Volpe, Alessio Giombini, Lasse Nordvik Wedø, António Vargas

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#skype4b: SQL Mirror Database Failover Suspended (not synchronized state)